Wedding Venue Owners

Over 6000 Active Wedding Venue Owners & Managers Connecting, Sharing Growing & Thriving!

Colorado Wedding Venue

Wedding Venue Stories, The Hangar at Stanley: In the movie Arthur (the original with Dudley & Liza not that garbage remake), Liza’s character says, “I love a living room you can land an airplane in.” Apply that sentiment to a wedding venue and you have The Hangar at Stanley! This unique event space is located in Aurora Colorado. Colorado hosts over 40,000 weddings annually and the average wedding budget is about $20,000. Colorado ranks 17th in the U.S. for wedding totals per year.

During the week The Hangar at Stanley hosts unique local businesses offering a variety of locally sourced foods and services from Maria’s Empanada’s to Kenesis Pilates. I wish more areas would adopt a model like this, if this was anywhere near my home I would be there every weekend! There are so many historic places that could be repurposed for our communities to enjoy and to support our small businesses. I highly recommend a quick visit over to their website for great wedding business inspiration! Another great feature on their site is the, “Stanifesto” featuring their promise, “Our S T A N I F E S T O This is our code to our space and #community. We exist in this community leading with #sustainability, thoughtfulness, and #creativity. The #StanleyMarketplace is a space for people who believe in doing things differently.” Their website design is beautiful, I love how the marketplace businesses are laid out (image gallery style, with links, descriptions & images). It’s colorful and fun, the website is doing a great job selling the venue!

Wedding Venue Stories, The Hangar at Stanley. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE INTERVIEW WITH APRIL CHASE, venue director at The Hangar at Stanley, image by From The Hip Photo

I had the pleasure of speaking with April Chase, Venue Director at The Hangar at Stanley this week. April has so many duties to manage with the market, corporate events, weddings, vendors, daily operations, staff, marketing, advertising and thousands of visitors coming through The Hangar at Stanley every week! Even though her schedule is packed she agreed to spend some time sharing her unique wedding venue story with us via Zoom. She shared tips on managing corporate events, building business relationships and so much more. Watch the Zoom video (above) and then scroll down to see some gorgeous images of The Hangar at Stanley.

Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid
Colorado’s Best Photographers: From the Hip Photo Some venue management teams might see a space this size and get intimidated. April & her team have brilliantly managed this space with design elements that highlight the unique venue. That is no small achievement. **LamePun
Savannah Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation
Do NOT Miss Your Chance To Attend A Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation to Savannah! This is going to be one of the most affordable trips of the season! We will tour Savannah Wedding Venues & Learn The Best Wedding Venue Methods For Success Directly From Successful Wedding Venue Owners! Sign up today
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, food truck
You want to bring a food truck inside the building? NO PROBLEM! Photo Credit: From The Hip Photo
Wedding Venue Stories, The Hangar at Stanley
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, styled shoot
This is from a styled shoot. Now, the question comes up so often about how to do a styled shoot. I can tell you right now, a styled shoot can elevate your venue brand or drastically devalue your brand. Selecting the right vendors makes a huge impact. As you can see, From The Hip Photo has shot several styled shoots and events at this venue. Creating valuable, quality images that the venue can use on their website, social media and in blogs like this one. If you are struggling to get quality images of your venue, examine your vendor relationships and give me a call, I would love to help you build better relationships with your ON BRAND vendors.
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor
Colorado’s Best Photographers: From the Hip Photo
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor
This gorgeous spot allows couples to enjoy lovely outdoor space along with the HUGE indoor space offered at The Hangar at Stanley. Image by From the Hip Photo
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor
The Hangar at Stanley does not have big barn doors, but you won’t miss them a bit! Image by From the Hip Photo
Washington DC wedding venue
One of the most incredible Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacations you could attend will happen Oct. 10 to 14th in Washing DC! We will visit wedding venues in 3 different states/locales DC, MD and VA. Guests will have the option to attend 2 or 3 days of wedding venue tours. The Wineries in Loudoun County are absolutely incredible, the historic barns in VA are stunning, Museum weddings, Historic Estates and so much more! This is an incredible opportunity to tour some of the most successful wedding venues in the country and learn policy, procedures and operations directly from wedding venue experts!
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor
From The Hip Photo, special thanks to this incredible photographer! From The Hip Photography provided the incredible images used in this blog. If you are not absolutely loving up your photographers you are losing out on one of the most valuable venue relationships! The Hangar at Stanley has over 18,000 sq feet of event space. A novice photographer could easily diminish the beauty of a venue like this.
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor
I love the HUGE vintage styled signs and venue design. It takes me back to all those futuristic cartoons as a kid (Jetsons). Image by: From the Hip Photo
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor
From the Hip Photo, Wedding Venue Stories, The Hangar at Stanley

OOPS!! While I was updating the Wedding Venue Search Map, I accidentally deleted some venue listings!

Please check the venue search map to make sure you are still listed with the proper name & address! If you are not listed, just send me a quick email with “venue map” in the subject line,

Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor
Those incredible windows allow the sunset to come in and be part of the wedding reception. From the Hip Photo
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor
Again, I can’t say this enough! A brilliant photographer truly is a venues best friend. Taking a photo from outside, through a window is not easy. I have tried to do it so many times and it always looks terrible. I love this shot by From the Hip Photo
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor
This is the image you see online…..see below for the “behind the scenes” shot. From the Hip Photo
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor, wedding dress
This right here is Wedding Life!! Don’t you just LOVE being part of the magic. I love everything about this photo #weddingnerd From the Hip Photo
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor, wedding dress
This is another gorgeous styled shoot and if I can get the information for the other vendors involved in this shoot I will add them to the vendor credits. That make up is INCREDIBLE!! When you are promoting your venue and you have a dream team of vendors helping you get content like this – you have something so valuable, appreciate it! Talented vendor team efforts like this do not happen by accident and content like this creates long term advertising and marketing success! If you have a unique venue, you want unique content. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS STYLED SHOOT! From the Hip Photo
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor, wedding dress
From the Hip Photo, The Make Up, The Model, The Hair, Her Dress, The Colors, The FLOWERS!! WOW!
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor, wedding dress
From the Hip Photo Wedding Venue Stories, The Hangar at Stanley
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor, wedding dress
The Hangar at Stanley hosts lots of incredible, well attended events like this Valentine’s Party. If your venue is empty all week and sometimes for months at a time, consider hosting some unique events to increase traffic and awareness for your venue. Need help, I would love to chat with you about some unique events you could host at your venue to increase corporate, social and wedding bookings. From the Hip Photo
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor, wedding dress
Valentine’s Day Party at The Hangar at Stanley, this venue does not do anything average, everything is above and beyond cool! From the Hip Photo | Denver
Denver Colorado Wedding Venue, Wedding Venue, Venue, Venue Owner, Wedding Business, Wedding Coach, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Wedding Planning, Wedding Photography, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Denver, Aurora, Engaged, Bride, Groom, Mother of the bride, bridesmaid, unique venue, vintage venue, vintage wedding, throwback wedding, old school wedding, mid century wedding, wedding decor, wedding dress
Another styled shoot, this is everything for me! Pink & Green is my everything, all day everyday. I will be imitating this somehow at my home office! From the Hip Photo
Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, Wedding Coach, wedding business, Wedding venue, Wedding venue education, Venue Knowledge, Venue Coach, Venue Owner
If you have attended a Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, you can add this badge to your website and show the world that you have a THIRST for wedding venue knowledge! The BEST Wedding Venue Education You Can Get Is Directly From Other Successful Wedding Venue Owners, click here to view upcoming Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacations.
Wedding Nerd
Didi Russell #WeddingNerd
ARE YOU RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS OR BEING RUN OVER BY YOUR BUSINESS? With over 20 years of event industry experience, I have the passion and know how to take time consuming tasks off your schedule. Social Media Marketing starting at $500 a month, venue management starting at $1000 a month, website management starting at $250 a month. When you need a trustworthy support team to professionally manage some of your tasks, reach out to me for a consultation,

SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR INCREDIBLE PHOTOGRAPHERS!! These talented artists provide the gorgeous images you see in our BLOG and were kind enough to grant us permission to use their image. Please always be mindful to take time to visit their pages, thank them for their hard work and VENUE OWNERS a good relationship with experienced, talented photographers is a smart investment in your business! Support our local photographers every opportunity you get! Please leave comments below about the photos you see here today! #weddingnerd **If your image is used in any of our blogs and you do not have the proper photo credits please let us know so that we can link your photography business to your images.

2 thoughts on “Wedding Venue Stories, The Hangar at Stanley

  1. When you reference all the amazing styles shoots and the credit is given to the wonderful photographers, it would really also be great if you gave credit to all the other vendors that allowed these photos to be taken – florists, rental companies, bakeries, etc. They all donated their time and talents to make these images possible and should also receive credit for their work.

    1. Hi Nicole,
      I do my best to celebrate everyone who provides their creative talent. Just let me know who I am missing and I will go back through and add their websites, credit, social links. Thank you

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