Wedding Venue Owners

Over 6000 Active Wedding Venue Owners & Managers Connecting, Sharing Growing & Thriving!

What is a wedding planner

Holly Orr of The Inn at the Seventh Ray Helps Us Understand the roles, benefits & cost of a wedding coordinator.

Should Venue Owners Hire A Wedding Coordinator? Have you been thinking of hiring a wedding planner, venue manager, event coordinator OR requiring your booked couples to hire one? Before you can decide which option is best for you, you have to clearly understand their roles, the investment and the different benefits each may bring to your wedding venue. Holly Orr of the world famous, Inn of the Seventh Ray, near Los Angeles, shares some insight on what her role is at this in demand wedding and event venue. Share shares the details & duties of her role as a venue manager and event coordinator. This blog is designed to help our venue owners understand the value an in-house wedding venue manager can provide and alternative options for adding wedding planning or coordinating positions or partners. For those of you out there managing this on your own, it is a heavy load to carry and handing these duties over could help you focus on owner duties while your in-house super stars help improve sales, conversion, client satisfaction and overall event management success. There is no one method that fits every venue. Your venues are all so unique and what works for one venue may not work for another. BUT….trying to do it all can be exhausting and unrealistic. Ignoring the duties and value of wedding planner can lead to disorganization, underwhelming wedding experiences and bad reviews. When you leave the decision in the hands of your wedding clients, you are adding a lot of unnecessary risk. The duties of a wedding planner do not disappear when that role is not covered. Those duties fall on the venue owner, photographer and caterer. So, what you and the wedding clients may consider a money saving option (not hiring a planner) could actually cost you, the venue owner a lot more stress, workload, communication failures and unsatisfactory guest experience.

Holly Orr helps us understand the various roles of wedding management and how each option impacts the wedding experience. Holly shares what her role and compensation package looks like and how wedding venue owners could use this model at their wedding venues. She walks us through the duties, roles, compensation and even how wedding venue owners can find a staffer or vendor partner in their market. This information is so helpful for our wedding venue owners in all phases of ownership: from new wedding venue owners to our seasoned pros. If you’re evolving and fine tuning your process, this video is going to be very helpful. Holly Orr owns and operates Paper Heart Events. She offers planning and event management services as well and wedding venue management services. If you are thinking about outsourcing some of these duties, please visit Paper Heart Events, Holly Orr may be able to provide some support for you as you consider these options and transition into a new management model. Click here to find Holly Orr on Facebook or Instagram.

This is part one of two videos. The next video will be published in a week. If you are a new wedding venue or if you are a seasoned wedding venue interested in reviewing your wedding venue policies, practices and looking for strategies to streamline your operations, I would love to connect with you to discuss wedding venue consulting options. Please head over to the Rent The Wedding Nerd page to learn more. We will be visiting Los Angeles and Orange County California April 10th to 13th, 2022 for a Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation! Please contact to add your wedding venue to our tour of venues and if you would like to join this trip, please sign up today! Space is limited.

Wedding Venue Consulting, Wedding Venue Owner Coach, Wedding Venue Education, Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business Coach, Wedding Venue Strategies
Join us for the Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation PHOENIX, Feb. 20-23 for only $299 per person, add the Bar Revenue & Profitability workshop for $600! SPACE IS FILLING UP FAST! Escape the winter blues & head to Phoenix where we will tour incredible wedding venues, meet wedding venue colleagues, learn strategies for success directly from successful wedding venues & have so much fun on this wedding adventure to Phoenix! Contact to reserve your space today!
Should Venue Owners Hire A Wedding Coordinator? This is the beautiful Inn at the Seventh Ray, located near Los Angeles. This gorgeous venue has hosted hundreds of weddings and yes…many celebrity weddings & events as well.
Should Venue Owners Hire A Wedding Coordinator? The Inn at the Seventh Ray
Should Venue Owners Hire A Wedding Coordinator? The Inn at the Seventh Ray
Should Venue Owners Hire A Wedding Coordinator? The Inn at the Seventh Ray
Wedding Venue Consulting, Wedding Venue Owner Coach, Wedding Venue Education, Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business Coach, Wedding Venue Strategies
Wedding Venue Consulting, before you spend $10,000 or more on consulting contact
Should Venue Owners Hire A Wedding Coordinator? The Inn at the Seventh Ray
Wedding Venue Consulting, Wedding Venue Owner Coach, Wedding Venue Education, Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business Coach, Wedding Venue Strategies
This four-day trip marks our one-year anniversary of The wedding Venue Owners Working Vacations! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!! This event sells out quickly so reserve your spot today!
Should Venue Owners Hire A Wedding Coordinator? The Inn at the Seventh Ray
Wedding Venue Consulting, Wedding Venue Owner Coach, Wedding Venue Education, Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business Coach, Wedding Venue Strategies
Wedding Venue Consulting, Wedding Venue Owner Coach, Wedding Venue Education, Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business Coach, Wedding Venue Strategies
Wedding Venue Owners, the best wedding venue education you can get is directly from other wedding venue owners!
Wedding Venue Consulting, Wedding Venue Consulting, Wedding Venue Owner Coach, Wedding Venue Education, Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business Coach, Wedding Venue Strategies
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