Wedding Venue Owners

Over 6000 Active Wedding Venue Owners & Managers Connecting, Sharing Growing & Thriving!

Thirty wedding venue owners from all over the country recently headed to the Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, NASHVILLE Tennessee to tour wedding venues, connect with colleagues and share the best wedding industry secrets to success. We arrived on Sunday May, 16th for our first meet & greet at Stock & Barrel in downtown Nashville. Stock & Barrel specializes in bourbon, burgers, beer and Nashville vibes. Our first event is all about sparking connections with colleagues as we enjoy cocktails, unwind and begin to build relationships.

Wedding venue owners attend a working vacation for a variety of reasons but here are the top 10 reasons.

1. To meet other wedding venue owners, AKA their tribe, AKA the sharers of wedding venue knowledge.

2. To tour wedding venues and learn from successful venue owners/management team.

3. To learn the best wedding industry practices.

4. To get out of their familiar place and enjoy a wedding adventure. Most of our venue owners have never toured another wedding venue.

5. There is no competition on a Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation. Seriously, venue owners attending these events are eager to share and connect.

6. To help train, educate and motivate members of their staff or management team.

7. To enjoy some time off and a tax write off

8. To explore the city and get inspired by the wedding industry, the culture, cuisine and architecture.

9. To avoid wedding industry burn out. Feeling exhausted, overly emotional, worn thin or maybe a little under appreciated? A Sun-Wed get away with the only other humans on the planet that completely understand what you experience as a venue owner or manger, is the cure for avoiding burn out.

10. Affordable, a WVO Working Vacation is only $299 per person. Contact for information. If you have a different reason for attending please let me know, post in the comments below.

Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville
Our first event in every city is a Cocktails & Connections Meet & Greet. It’s so much fun, no one is a stranger here! In this image: Tara Parker of The Templet House is on the left with the sunglasses on her head. Next to Tara is her mother, then Maureen Oliva and Teri French representing The Country Barn. This table is comprised mostly of The Country Barn entourage! I could write a book about the brilliance at this table: Grant writing expert, real estate investment experts, property research & development, how to finance venues, staffing, website design….all at this one table!! Imagine what you could learn sharing a cocktail with the wedding industry experts here.
Raleigh Durham Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation
We will tour more wedding venues on the Raleigh Durham trip than ever before! Only $299 to $399, sign up today
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders
The Crossties Texarkana team at the Cocktails & Connections meet & greet. Stock & Barrel Nashville

Touring all types of wedding spaces help our venue owners see other venue design elements, use of space, problems & solutions. The potential to avoid certain design issue or add design elements that might greatly benefit the venue owners. We also get to meet the venue owners and management teams. These wonderful wedding venue industry leaders gift us with insight on how they run their business. I can tell you, no two are alike. I believe the best asset of any wedding venue is the owners & management team. On a Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, we get to pull value directly from the best asset of every venue we visit. How incredible is that?

Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Our group charter tour to visit wedding venues in & around Nashville. There are far too many amazing wedding industry leaders here to name them all, they represent venues from California to New York!

Our first day of venue tours took us to The Nashville City Club, a venue with gorgeous sky high views. There we met Jim Talbot the Private Events Manager. He provided some valuable insight on managing a corporate event space. Most of our venue owners are in business for themselves and while that is the dream for most, on the flip side you do risk becoming an island cut off from business policy, practices and cutting edge solutions. Think about it, these corporate venues have access to the best legal teams, the best contract and website development. We get to access this type of information while attending wedding venue tours! You simply can’t put a dollar amount on how valuable this is!

Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Thank you so much to Jim Talbot for hosting our first venue tour on the Nashville trip. Nashville City Club
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
The view from The City Club Nashville. When I say that we get inspired and leave our WVO Working Vacations filled with design ideas and creative energy, I am not kidding! You will be absolutely exhausted in the best way when you return home from a WVO Working Vacation.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
On every tour a hot topic is storage and inventory. How many chairs do you have, how many sets of each, how do you flip rooms, what size tables do you use? We get to learn the best solutions directly from wedding industry experts. If you attend a Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, what will you learn? There is only one way to find out,
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Deborah & Kevin of Twelve Oaks Estate discuss some of the things they just learned at our first venue tour, The City Club. Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, NASHVILLE
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure, Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation
Your opportunity to tour 15 Wedding Venues In The Nations Capital!
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
After Jim Talbot spoke to our group he answered lots of questions from our venue owners. This is what a thirst for wedding knowledge looks like. Thank you so much Jim! The City Club
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Every venue we tour provides design elements to inspire: flooring, lighting, decor, seating, wall art, layout, vibe. The City Club
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
This was a gorgeous storefront that caught my eye as we were leaving The City Club, Downtown Nashville.

Next stop was The Bridge located in Downtown Nashville on the Cumberland River with stunning views, modern design elements, great parking and soon to be famous Sales Director at Infinity Hospitality (parent company of The Bridge), Bubba Plunk. The Bridge is one of two wedding venues, The Bell Tower is their sister venue, but we will have to tour that venue on our next trip to Nashville. The Bridge could have been the only venue we toured and we would have gathered so much insight we could have just stopped there. True, this could be said for each venue we visited. But the Sales Director of The Bridge is a one of kind wedding & event industry stand out. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Bubba Plunk on wedding and design shows, magazines, blogs, etc…very soon. His knowledge and passion for overseeing the sales and management of weddings, start to end was expert level, next level, incredible.

Here are a few of my favorite words of wisdom from this tour: 1. The Bridge & The Bell Tower will request a review from those who didn’t book the venue as well as those who did. I LOVE THIS! During the exchange of the initial communications and proposals there is a lot of engagement between business owner and clients. They may have even come out for a tour. When the sales team follows up with prospective clients and the client informs them they are not going to move forward with the venue, the client will usually say something like, “But we loved the tour and the property, your communication was clear and detailed. We just decided to go with another venue”. This is the opportunity to ask them if they wouldn’t mind sharing that positive feedback in a review. BRILLIANT! Bubba says that where there is any positive engagement there is an opportunity to request a review. 2. Bubba says that they will do whatever it takes to avoid allowing bad planning, bad event design ideas from the client to ruin the guest experience. We could all use more of this type of confidence to firmly persuade clients make their guest experience a priority. If your guests have a terrible time because the client is making bad event design/timeline/layout/menu decisions, the guests will usually think it is poor execution from the venue. You NEVER want 150 people coming to your venue and having a bad experience, especially when you could avoid this during the planning process. 3. While I can’t go into to much detail, Infinity Hospitality is designing event industry technology that may change the wedding & event industry! YES, we got to learn some seriously top secret info in this trip. You really should have been there! There is only one thing better than being part of the Nashville trip and that is joining the next trip! Click here to view the upcoming Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation Dates & Locations.

Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
That is Bubba Plunk in the baseball hat & blue & white shirt, speaking to our group, dropping mind blowing awesome wedding bombs of knowledge! OH right there with the hat in her hand, Cordelia Culver next to Sasha of The Malibou Lake Lodge near Las Angeles. They flew all the way out from L.A. to enjoy this Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation. We learned a lot from this dynamic wedding team, but that is worthy of a whole other blog….stay tuned my friends.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Bubba Plunk & Didi Russell. I can’t believe how lucky we are to get to learn so much directly from successful wedding industry experts! Thank You Bubba & The Bridge for allowing us to visit. Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, NASHVILLE
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Nashville has so many incredible sculptures, murals and works of art to enjoy. This piece is called “Ghost Ballet for the East Bank Machineworks,” This is so close to The Bridge it is almost like it’s like the worlds best wedding venue accessory. A great photographer could have so much fun at this venue.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Kathy Schrock from Maryville Tenn. and Teri French from Louisville , KY – a wedding industry rookie meets a seasoned pro and magic happens. Our rookie venue owners are no strangers to business. They bring so much business savvy to our events and in turn they get to learn from experienced wedding pros, as they get a jump start on their venue plans.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Floor to ceiling mirrors are a must in every wedding dressing area. The Bridge , A lot of venue owners want to know what we wear on a Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, you wear whatever makes you happy. Style over stuffy is my philosophy and works well on these trips.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
I had to share this one last very cool detail, the hidden staircase at The Bridge. This is a historic landmark and during renovations it was decided that they would keep these stairs & showcase them like a piece of art.

The Bedford Nashville was our thirds stop on the first day of wedding venue tours in Nashville. Meghan Schmidt graciously shared some time with us even though here day was packed with meetings. From the moment we arrived she was offering up a friendly smile and lots of great wedding venue information. I can honestly say I have NEVER seen another venue quite like this one. From the outside you are not sure what to expect. The inside is bold with iron, brick, solid wood beams and sturdy decor. Meghan Schmidt is the Sales Director at The Bedford. She shared a lot of great wedding insight with us including sharing tips for booking more corporate events using The Book of Lists, Chambers of Commerce and networking events. The Bedford books well over 100 weddings a year! Meghan shared with us that their best leads do not come from the big wedding websites. Their best leads, with a higher conversion rate come through search engines to their website. This means their website is one of their best sales tools! Is your website your best sales tool? Let us know in the comments below. They are have a high volume of qualified leads coming to their websites from their social media marketing. Click here to read more about how to use The Book of Lists to book more corporate events.

Our venue owners learned an incredible amount of information from this venue tour. The success of The Bedford is due to gorgeous venue design, and incredible management team and savvy marketing, not location. Those of you who struggle with your venue location could learn a lot from this venue. Again, you kind of had to be there, but there is always the Raleigh Durham Working Vacation, come on! I would love to meet you there.

Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, NASHVILLE. The Bedford Nashville
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Meghan Schmidt, Sales Director at The Bedford
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
The Bedford Nashville
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Wrought Iron, Brick, Historic Architecture and Unique Design Elements Makes This Venue One Of The MOST Unique Spaces I Have Ever Toured. I loved it. Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, NASHVILLE

After our venue tour at The Bedford we headed over to Marathon Music Works. This Nashville venue is in the heart of the downtown historic Marathon Motor District. They host concerts, art shows and of course very cool weddings. This industrial chic warehouse style venue had some incredibly cool spaces to offer their wedding couples. Shelby Huggins is the event manager at Marathon Music Works, she went out of her way to make sure our group could stop in for a tour even though they were quite busy with events. This venue is HUGE! Couples can use the stage and create a Nashville rock vibe for their wedding complete with back stage prep areas for your closest friends & family to chill before the wedding. This venue is located next to some great spot for fun including The American Pickers Nashville location and The Jack Daniels Store where (OH YEAH!!) you can go in and enjoy a tasting! What an incredible experience it was to enjoy this unique venue, learn how they advertise, book weddings, manage weddings and successfully operate this Nashville wedding spot.

Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Marathon Music Works Venue Tour, our owners are definitely checking out the industrial design and decor of this venue. Will any of the venue owners be inspired to take some of the Nashville vibes back to their venues? Time will tell.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Imagine flipping this space! You would have to have incredible management with great communication, organization and a well trained team.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Just one of the bars at Marathon Music Works. Managing a bar, liquor licenses, alcohol policies & alcohol sales, etc…comes up so often on our tours. One venue in Austin shared that their bar sales were over $80,000 the first year and over $120,000 the second year. The valuable information shared on these trips could help you increase your revenue streams!
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Very cool back stage area for wedding clients to enjoy at Marathon Music Works Nashville.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
You just can’t imagine all the inspiring things we get to see on our Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacations. Like this table, if you have a historic venue, vintage vibes venue, farmhouse or barn venue a piece like this could spark some inspiration for your venue.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
I loved the design elements at the Jack Daniel’s General Store in Nashville. Those hanging shelves are so unique, rustic, functional Nashville cool all the way. If any of you recreate these in your spaces please let me know. I could see these in a grooms room, entry area for coat check, guest rooms. Part of the reason venue owners come on these trips is to get inspired. I WAS INSPIRED!
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
While this was not an official stop on our tour, we all got to look around after our site visit at Marathon Music Works. The Jack Daniel’s General Store was just so cool!
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
These boots were at The American Picker’s – Antique Archaeology Nashville. I am haunted with regret for not buying these, even if they are not my size, I am quite sad that I left Nashville without them.
Wedding Venue Owners, Nashville Brewery, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Mara Hines, Even Coordinator with The Tennessee Brew Works shares all the details of how this restaurant & brewery manages private events & weddings. If you are going to Nashville, I highly recommend a trip to Tennessee Brew Works. Breweries are becoming so popular, one of the venues we visited on our Austin Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation built a brewery next to the wedding venue! Ideas and inspirations are always flowing on these trips.
Wedding Venue Owners, Nashville Brewery, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
This is the view from the private upstairs event space overlooking the brewery. It may be hard to visualize but they can set up on hell of a cool wedding reception here! Tennessee Brew Works

After our venue tour at Marathon Music Works we were all ready for some incredible Nashville cuisine so we headed over to The Tennessee Brew Works. Where Mara Hines and her team greeted us and provided Nashville Hot Chicken, Brisket, Baked Beans, Coleslaw & Chocolate Tartlets. The food was absolutely incredible, my favorite was the brisket! We stayed here enjoying lunch and discussing advertising, social media marketing, lead conversion & screening processes, vendors relationships at our lunch and learn. After a lunch & learn and morning venue tours, most of our venue owners are feeling pretty exhausted and ready for a break. We end our official events after the lunch & learn but our venue owners start group texting to set up their after hours meet ups. I don’t usually share photos of the after hours events because our group is done with the working part and get to the vacation side of this experience. I can tell you that some of our venues owners form strong bonds and share some of the best wedding venue solutions after a few cocktails.

Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Kevin Snow, Deborah Bowles Mann of Twelve Oaks Estate and Dan VanGilder of The Alta House in Newton Iowa, share venue stories and enjoy some cocktails at UP the rooftop lounge with a lovely view of Nashville.

After a night of fun on Broadway our venue owners got some rest and met up Tuesday morning to start another round of wedding venue tours. Our first stop was The Cannery Ballroom, ONE, ONE Bar & Lounge and Mercy Lounge. With its 1000-capacity standing room and titanic bar stocked with all your favorite libations, The Cannery Ballroom is capable of accommodating both large national acts, as well as those looking for a unique space to hold their wedding or special event. Jenna Vasquez worked with me for several months to arrange our tours but welcomed a new baby a few days before our arrival. Congratulation Jenna! So, Erin Gameson the GM was so kind to step in and provide the venue tour. Touring venues located in large cities provides lots of valuable information. How do they handle parking, how about loading in/out for vendors, guests parking, event timelines, day of operations, inventory, event set up & tear down, city ordinances, etc… All of these topics came up on our Cannery Ballroom tour and Erin provided so much information. This venue requires a day of coordinator for all weddings! This policy increases client satisfaction and overall successful event organization. Coordinators selected by the couples MUST BE professionals, not a family member. If you are afraid of enforcing policies that lead to more successful events because you fear your clients will be upset with the additional costs, maybe it’s time to consider the clientele you are booking. DISAGREE? Let me know, this is all about flowing ideas and no two venues are alike, so please share your feedback on this in the comments section below.

Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
This is what The Cannery looks like all dressed up for a wedding. See below pics for venue nudity.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
The Cannery & Mercy Lounge Nashville. This is the upper level event space. The picture below shows off another HUGE room used for events. It’s possible for The Cannery Ballroom, ONE & Mercy Lounge to host multiple events on one day. Requiring a brilliant, hard working, well organized team of experts. It is such a big deal to get to learn how they pull this off and the secrets to their wedding venue success! THANK YOU Cannery Ballroom & Mercy Lounge Team.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
ONE Bar & Lounge. Imagine what you could do with this space! Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, NASHVILLE
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
One of many dressing/prep spaces for clients to enjoy at The Cannery Ballroom. Of course functional items catch my eye, like the coat rack on the right. If you don’t have closet space a rolling coat rack is a great option. Guests will appreciate it!
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
This wall art is what rock & roll dreams are made of! The back stage dressing areas for guests of The Cannery. This Nashville music vibe is bringing in couples from all over the country. Nashville is in high demand for destination weddings.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, NASHVILLE
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Nancy McKinney of Pleasant View Farm near York PA listens to Erin Gameson of The Cannery Ballroom share wedding industry secrets, tips and venue success on the Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, Nashville.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Kathy Smith of Venue 720 is upfront, followed by the ladies of The Annex New York (Michelle, Staphane & Samantha). I love good branding, the Annex team had matching necklaces with their venue logo! It was lovely, unique and definitely stood out.

Next stop was a 20 minute trip to northern Nashville, outside the city to visit Annie Acres. So far our venue tours have been all about the city venues and our Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation crew wants to see a variety of venue styles. Annie’s Acres offers country styles with a side of rustic nature serenity. We met with Kelly Albright, the owner of of Annie’s Acres. Their family runs a working farm on the property and also has their home on site. The venue is located at the end of a long driveway surrounded by acres of trees with no other structures in sight. Kelly and her husband were on a very tight budget when they married years ago. When building Annie’s Acres it was a high priority for the owners to make sure their venue would be affordable to couples with budget constraints. They wanted to make sure those with limited budgets would be proud to have their wedding at Annie’s Acres. Kelly Albright is a CPA, farm owner, wedding venue owner, mother and wife. She and her husband work together on all aspects of managing their businesses. Kelly informed us that they seem to book more weddings when they are both together on a venue tour. I loved hearing this as generally when a couple works together running a venue one or the other manage the tours or enjoy that part of the business more than their partner. So, finding out that they work off of each other to provide great tours and book more of their prospective clients when they tour together, was really cool. I hope this inspires other venue couples to work together on tours and see if they book more weddings this way.

Kelly used her CPA background to save money during the design and building of Annie’s Acres. She shared lots of these methods with us but you had to be there to access these money saving secrets. Some things have to stay in Nashville! Kelly only books about 14 weddings a year, that is their preferred maximum number of bookings. For this venue owner it is not about how many weddings they can book but rather, how few they can book and generate funds for their farm, family and free time. Many venue business plans count on booking the highest number of weddings possible each year to cover costs, make a profit and expand or reach new goals. This works for some but others may find that their best overall success comes from booking 30 weddings at a slightly higher rate, than booking 60 at a lower fee (for example). Annie’s Acres is a reminder that sometimes less is better. Booking the most weddings you can is not always the best plan for longevity and happiness in this high stress and challenging industry.

Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Annie’s Acres in Nashville
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Annie’s Acres top ten things I loved about this venue. 1. Kelly of course. 2. Those huge barn doors on the front & side open for air circulation. 3. Lots of ceiling fans and once they were going it felt about 10 degrees cooler, also they are up high enough to not be disruptive. 4. Those windows were repurposed & took a ton of venue owner elbow grease. 5. Nothing but wooded lush greenery surrounding the venue on all sides. 6. All this gorgeous wood, the beams, the design of this venue fit the rustic, natural vibe so many couples love. 7. Huge covered deck on the side that allows for more event space. 8. The lighting 9. Electric outlets are hidden under the floor (see image further down) 10. Serene, instantly relaxing upon arrival. BONUS 11. The bathrooms are beautiful 12. AMAZING catering kitchen – that was 12 and I could keep going….oh 13. Affordable
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Annie’s Acres does not provide tables, chairs, linens, decor. They keep it simple and allow guests to plan and provide all the decor and design elements as well as set up. Sounds quite nice actually.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
This covered porch leads to the bathrooms and catering kitchen behind the venue in a detached section.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
I mean COME ON!! That table is amazing, they have an ice maker, tons of trash cans, cleaning supplies, huge sink, fridge, freezer, racks for catering trays and it air conditioned. As a former catering and events director, this kitchen is a dream! Here we see Dean & Millicent Murphy of The Magnolia Room in Pigeon Forge Tenn, checking out the catering kitchen.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Annie’s Acres Nashville
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Did I go into the wrong one? Yes, of course I did.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Kelly designed Annie’s Acres with functionality in mind. There are tons of hidden electric outlets make it easy for guests to design their room layout in a variety of ways. DJ, Monograms, Lighting, Slide Shows, Projections, Photo Booths – no problem.

Our grand finale wedding venue stop was The Templet House. Winston & Cristina Templet and Tara Parker absolutely blew us away on our final wedding venue stop in Nashville. Cristina & Tara have joined every Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation! Seeing them in Nashville at their own wedding venue had me getting a bit emotional. We really do develop bonds on these events and being invited to their venue was special. The first thing you see when you arrive is a stunning estate with beautiful lush green landscaping and a paved long driveway. I love a long drive way adding drama and anticipation leading up to the venue. Our venue owners posed for a quick picture on the grand stairs at The Templet House entry and once inside we were greeted with champagne! The Templet House offers a relaxed elegance, overnight accommodations and specializes in micro weddings of 50 or less. They also offer B&B for out of town guests wanting to visit Nashville and enjoy the entire estate to themselves. The rooms are beautifully designed, the bathrooms are gorgeous, a luxurious pool with plenty of lounge seating, hot tub and fire feature! If you are interested in visiting Nashville contact Cristina Templet and let them know you are part of the Wedding Venue Owners Community, depending on availability they may offer a discount.

The Templet House sponsored our Lunch & Learn providing cocktails, champagne, mimosas and an incredible spread of delicious catered items for our venue owners. While we enjoyed lunch, we discussed wedding venue websites, SEO and every venue owner attending got to discuss their websites & get evaluations and feedback. Many venues started making website updates as soon as they returned home, based on what they learned on The Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation! Winston Templet offered some amazing insight on real estate investing and Cristina & Tara enlightened us on their experience with AirB&B and VRBO revenue. Have you considered adding overnight accommodations to your venue? Not sure where to start or do you have lots of questions? Your venue owner colleagues have the answers.

Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
The Templet House, our wedding venue owners got to learn so much at this venue during our sponsored lunch & learn: Websites, SEO tips, Wedding Venue Real Estate Investing, Air B&B Venue Information and so much more!
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
The Templet House Nashville, You could stay at The Templet House while you visit Nashville.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
I LOVE beautiful lighting! The Templet House Nashville
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Hi there, Didi Russell here at The Templet House, just taking a moment to enjoy the view and get ready to lead our Lunch & Learn Topics. I can’t wait to meet you on an upcoming Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation!
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
I found this lovely little item at The Templet House and thought it was perfectly suited to represent the end of our time in Nashville. If you missed our previous Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacations you still have time to get signed up for Raleigh Durham, Savannah, Houston, Chicago and New York! Click here for upcoming cities & dates, then email to sign up. Most trips are only $299 per person.

Here are a few fun images from the “vacation” part of the working vacation. We had an incredible time together. I can tell you, no one is a stranger on these trips. I am here as a wedding expert tour guide of sorts, to make sure everyone feels connected, is immersed in the experience and gets so much value from the trip. I also want to make sure our venue owners get to laugh and have fun! Our lives are stressful, we work with high demand clientele and put fires out in our sleep. We make wedding dreams come true and on these trips we deserve to let of a little steam, laugh, relax and share our venue stories with our tribe! These trips are truly amazing and I sincerely hope you will join us soon!

Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Misty Gill of Venue 720
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Didi Russell your favorite Wedding Nerd and Erin Gameson GM at Mercy Lounge & The Cannery Ballroom.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Debbie McDonald of Avonlea Farms in Louisa VA.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
I found this at The Templet House, what can I say…I am a nerd for details. Of course there should be black wash cloths for make up! I went home and bought tons of these. I love this because you are gently informing guests how to help you out, use the black wash cloth, don’t ruin the white ones. So simple, so smart. #weddingnerd
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Kathy Smith & Misty Gill of Venue 720 in Illinois. On every venue tour I try to find some of the beautiful murals, fountains or well known tourist spots for our group to stop and get some great pics.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Natalie Finley, up and coming venue owner. Rex & Natalie attended this event to research wedding venue owner life as they consider building a venue on their property in Freetown Indiana.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Deborah Mann of 12 Oaks Estate Lexington SC
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Didi Russell, Wedding Nerd
I have always wanted to eat a Cheeseburger Royale with Jules! Be Cool, Like Fonzi #NashvilleVibes Stock & Barrel Nashville, Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, NASHVILLE
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Hello Dolly! Even the dumpster in Nashville are works of art. Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, NASHVILLE
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Noble Park, that is a wall of water peacefully falling in the background. I found this beautiful park just a few blocks from our hotel and could have stayed here enjoying this for hours. Water features are very popular additions for a wedding venue. A feature like this could be part of a ceremony site or used to cover a less appealing part of a venue like traffic noise.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Noble Park Nashville
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
This mural is in Noble Park. Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, NASHVILLE
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
Another beautiful sculpture in Nashville
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
And more beautiful dumpsters! Are your trash bins this awesome? Maybe they should be.
Wedding Venue Owners, Wedding Business, Wedding Venue, Venue, Wedding Coach, Wedding Education, Wedding Reception, Wedding Networking, Nashville, Nashville Wedding, Nashville Venue, Nashville Business, Nashville Entertainment, Nashville Party, Bride, Groom, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Cocktails, Working Vacation, Downtown Nashville, Business Women, Business Leaders, Venue Tours, Site Visit, wedding adventure,
If you attended the Nashville Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation you can use this badge on your website and show the world you have a THIRST for wedding industry knowledge! Use this link with the badge: Venue Owner Working Vacations ⋆ Wedding Venue Owners

I wans to send out my sincerest thank you to all the wonderful venue owners and management teams who made it possible for us to tour their venues and learn so much on this Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation. I believe that the best wedding venue education you can get comes from other successful wedding venue owners. You do not have to spend thousands of dollars on high end firms to help you succeed, just join in on A Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation and learn the best wedding industry knowledge from successful wedding venue owners! If you would like to sponsor a lunch & learn at your wedding venue please let me know, If you would like to see your city on a WVO Working Vacay or recommend a city you love to visit please post here in the comments section. I want to thank all of the wedding venue owners & managers who have attended a working vacation. If you have not attended one, I hope to meet you soon! NO VENUE IS AN ISLAND, come meet your colleagues, build your community, experience the feeling of authentic wedding venue community support! It truly feels amazing. Didi Russell, Wedding Nerd