Wedding Venue Owners

Over 6000 Active Wedding Venue Owners & Managers Connecting, Sharing Growing & Thriving!

Wedding Venue Owners

Hello wedding venue owners and managers, thank you so much for stopping by this blog post and video interview with Amy Mitchum of Barn at Cedar Grove . Today I want to talk about the anxiety our wedding venue owners get when it comes to being in front of the camera for their website, social media reels, video and going live. I hope this chat will encourage wedding venue owners to have a warmer connection in the “About Us” section on your website and carry that through to your social media. Offering engaged couples, a much warmer and personal greeting from you when they visit your website and social media accounts will increase conversion and helps you stand out from other venues. Wedding Venue Owners & Social Media Anxiety (Video Below).

I know that many of you feel a great deal of anxiety when it comes to being in front of the camera. There is nothing wrong with keeping your wedding venue website and social media strictly business and having no trace of you as a business owner there. It is perfectly fine and there are wedding venues that do very well without having any owner/management information on their website or social media. However, the business of weddings is very personal. The best asset of any wedding venue is the owner and/or management team. An outstanding, passionate, dedicated wedding venue owner is the best thing that can happen to our wedding industry period! Why? Great venue owner creates jobs, provides outstanding wedding experiences, provides mentoring & leadership and brings revenue and visibility to the entire local wedding market. You are an entrepreneur. You are a business owner. You can overcome and conquered a lot to become a wedding venue owner. Couples can trust you with one of the most important moments of their life right? So, how do you convey that trust, with a few words on your website or by sharing consistent, welcoming messages directly from you or your team?

The wedding industry is not like any other industry. When a couple is searching for their wedding venue, they are looking for a beautiful space but there are many beautiful spaces. What sets your beautiful space apart from other venues is – YOU. A gorgeous wedding venue with a terrible wedding venue owner, is not worth the investment. Determining which venue provides an excellent experience is challenging but you could make that process a bit easier by getting in front of that camera and welcoming couples to your venue when they visit your website or social media pages.

Imagine that newly engaged couple searching around at 1am looking at wedding venues. They see your venue and 5 others, but your venue has your pictures or welcome video sharing a message of “congratulations” on their engagement. Sharing some history on the venue, some of the reasons other couples book your venue and why you love being a wedding venue owner. Which venue is going to capture their attention and get them eager to schedule a site visit? When a new engaged couples is scrolling through their social media feed an they see a LIVE video with you walking through your venue, sharing all the special features and smiling at them, welcoming them in for a tour….this is a lead conversion tool that is very effective.

No matter how effective it is to add your images, your venue story and to create live videos on your social media, if you are panic stricken by the thought of this…I hope this video will help you see that you are not alone. Many of your fellow venue owners and managers are feeling “Wedding Venue Owners & Social Media Anxiety.” Please watch the video as Amy and I chat about why so many of us feel awkward or anxious about providing a better online presence and share some tips on getting over this hurdle to use these powerful social media tools to book more weddings & provide a better overall experience.

Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation
Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, click here for more info: Venue Owner Working Vacations ⋆ Wedding Venue Owners or contact to sign up for a Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation (or all of them).
Wedding Venue Consulting, wedding business coach, wedding business
Wedding Venue Owners & Social Media Anxiety