Wedding Venue Owners

Over 6000 Active Wedding Venue Owners & Managers Connecting, Sharing Growing & Thriving!

wedding venue owners Austin Texas

Meet Ken & Karen Moise of and share their journey from wedding venue owners to wedding venue and engaged couple matchmakers. Ken & Karen had a dream to start a wedding venue about 10 years ago and like many venue owner start ups, they had to figure so much out on their own. When they started The Ma Maison in Dripping Springs Texas, there were very few wedding venues in the their market. Now there are around one hundred wedding venues! With that many venues its no wonder that wedding venue advertising is one of the number one questions that pops up in the Wedding Venue Owners & Managers Community. Most wedding venue owners will tell you that the leads they get from the big wedding websites are often the ones that do not convert to bookings or seem to be lower budget brides or oddly…seem to be fake leads. Karen shares here experiences with advertising on the video (below) and shares incredible, experienced wedding venue owner feedback. She has spent a fortune on advertising, if the options available were incredible and work, then why are so many venue owners asking for advertising help? Ken and Karen along with their trust team lead by Conor Eaves have given a lot of thought to wedding venue advertising and used their experience and research to develop A venue owner developed wedding venue to engaged couple matchmaking method based on available wedding dates. Ken & Karen share some advice on working together as a couple owning and operation a wedding venue. They talk about how they came up with We Do Weddings and so much more. Watch the video below to hear from one of the wedding industries most supportive and successful wedding venue owners! We Do Weddings, A New Way To Book Engaged Couples

Click the video below to learn more, there is a special offer in the video for the first 10 venue owners to respond. All the info is in the video!

We Do Weddings is offering a HUGE GIVE AWAY!!

Watch the video below for details, watch now, only 10 will get to enjoy this amazing free offer!

Karen Moise has attended three Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacations and has been incredibly supportive of these venue owner to venue owner knowledge sharing events. She is incredibly passionate about making sure that venue owners support other venue owners. There is a powerful movement happening right now to encourage wedding venue owners to take an active leadership role in the local wedding industry that can lead to real change nationally and globally. The Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacations help our venue owners connect to share knowledge, support and valuable information. The We Do Weddings team is

Conor Eaves & Kaitlyn Miller are part of our bi-weekly podcast, In Case You Missed It! Conor & Kaitlyn help wedding venue owners navigate the world of wedding venue advertising, contact them today to learn more about advertising methods for your venue
Conor Eaves & Kaitlyn Miller are ready to speak with you about wedding venue matchmaking with engaged couples!
We Do Weddings (

Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacations

Wedding Venue Owners Travel To Incredible Cities For A Working Vacation! The best wedding venue owner education you can get is directly from other successful wedding venue owners. Venue owners & managers travel to an incredible city to tour 6 to 10 wedding venues, learn the best wedding industry tips and practices for inspiration, motivation & venue owner to venue owner education! You will be on the Working Vacation with 20 to 30 other wedding venue owners traveling from all over the country. Venue owners will get to share their experiences, learn from each other and enjoy making new like minded connections with your venue owner colleagues. Topics of Focus: * Contracts * Venue Owner Websites *Policies * Venue Expenses * Investments for better ROI *Venue Features couples want* Advertising & Social Media Marketing Expertise * Get Your Website Evaluated *Get Connected *Get INSPIRED! Contact for more information

WVO Working Vacay Alumni get access to continued education & connection long after the vacation has ended. Alumni get to use this awesome logo on their website showcasing their THIRST for knowledge & dedication to wedding industry expertise. Alumni will get to attend an online monthly event where they will get to re-connect with alumni from their trip and all the other venue owner vacations for increased access to venue to venue relationship building.