Wedding Venue Owners

Over 6000 Active Wedding Venue Owners & Managers Connecting, Sharing Growing & Thriving!

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Tis the season to sharpen your sales tools and stand out from your competition. I research hundreds of wedding venue social media accounts from all over the world, weekly! I am constantly searching to find innovative, effective social media, website and SEO strategies wedding venue owners and marketing teams are using to capture BETTER leads and convert more leads to sales. Wedding venue owners are increasing their advertising heavily right now (Nov. Dec, Jan & Feb) because as you know, its engagement season. Most of the platforms you advertise (or list with for free) on will place your ad next to another wedding venue ad. When a newly engaged couple is searching, they see more ads and more beautiful wedding venue content than ever before. So how do you make sure that your wedding venue stands out? By giving engaged couples the opportunity to “Download A Free Wedding Planning Guide” or “Download our Pricing Guide”. Below is a video overview of one of the options available to create an online digital magazine aka your “wedding planning guide” or “Pricing Guide”. I am using this platform to create online magazines for Wedding Venue Owners how participate in the 7 Day Social Media Marketing Guide and Wedding Venue Document Exchange Program. View the video below and then keep reading for details on how I use this platform to help venue owners capture more leads and convert leads to sales!

As I research wedding venue websites, I would say only about 40% have vendors or planning resources on their website and let’s be honest only a fraction of these are appealing and actually used by your couples. Less than 10% of the wedding venue websites I research have the “download our wedding planning guide” option. This creates a great opportunity for savvy wedding venue owners to stand out among what can feel like a sea of competition. This is a smart, simple, effective way to collect more leads. Your newly engaged couples want to learn how to plan their wedding, so will they learn it from you or a 3rd party wedding website that knows nothing about your venue? If you leave the educating up to others, you end up with couples who are disappointed in their experience because they got terrible advice from all over the internet. Who is a better expert at educating your booked couples than you? No one! This is not only an incredible sales tool, it will help educated your couples on your venue and help you encourage couples to book vendors who are proven professionals. We all know, a bad vendor can ruin the experience couples and wedding guests have at your venue.

Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, Wedding venue Owner Consulting, Wedding Venue Owner Education, wedding venue coach, wedding venue education, wedding venue consulting, wedding venue expert, Didi Russell Wedding Nerd

In the Wedding Venue Owners & Managers Community Group on Facebook, wedding venue owners are expressing that during the past two years 10 or more new wedding venues have popped up in their market. Some venue owners report 20 new wedding venues opening in their market in the past two years. More competition and the talk of a pending recession has wedding venue owners looking for innovative strategies to generate more qualified leads and convert those leads into booked weddings. Third party wedding websites are failing to provide quality leads while increasing their fees higher and higher. Wedding venue owners in the Wedding Venue Owners & Management Community Group on Facebook report that they breaking away from these sites and investing in their own SEO, social media marketing and websites with far greater success and far less expense. If you want to break up with your costly 3rd party wedding website this year, contact I am dedicated to helping wedding venue owners take control of their best sales tool and learn to use Website, Seo & Social Media to succeed.

Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, Wedding venue Owner Consulting, Wedding Venue Owner Education, wedding venue coach, wedding venue education, wedding venue consulting, wedding venue expert, Didi Russell Wedding Nerd
Download A FREE Wedding Planning Guide – want one for your venue? Contact

I am offering members of a FREE wedding planning guide for their website or advertising when they sign up for the 7 Day Social Media Marketing Guide (copy and paste weekly guide to help you easily manage social media) and Wedding Venue Document Exchange program, you add documents you get documents. This program is only $99 a month and comes with the FREE online magazine, valued at $600 to $1200 per year! I will use your wedding venue PDF’s, website and venue content to design a beautiful guide that is specific to your wedding venue. You can embed this on your website or keep it private and send it to couples who fill out your “contact us” form. This is an effective way to get more of the traffic visiting your site and social media to engaged with you. Imagine if you could get 10 more leads a month? Imagine those 10 leads converting to 5 tours and 3 new bookings. Capturing more qualified leads is essential if you want to book more weddings or keep your current number of weddings and improve the quality of leads you attract. This is not only a lead capture tool, this is an education resource to help you improve wedding venue experiences & communication.

Creating these custom guides is so much fun, they are a direct reflection of your wedding venue! I have a full design plan ready to use to create your custom wedding venue guide! We can add video to your guide, we can embed links and track data! I can make the guide password protected so that an email is required before the guide is provided. It can take up to two weeks to create your guide and I will create them in the order in which a venue has signed up. You must provide all the content, you must be able to send me the ready to add PDF’s, already designed brochures, venue map, website pages to use or wording and images you have ready to provide along with photographer credits. If you do not have any material ready to use to create your guide and need one designed from start to finish, we can discuss this at an additional fee. Email with the subject line “Guide” so we can get started.

Cheers to you all taking back more control for your venue 2023! I sincerely hope these programs will help empower our venue owners to break free from costly 3rd party websites, review extortion, contract disputes, communication issues, organization problems and best practices back lash this year! LOVE BEING A VENUE OWNER AGAIN!! #weddingnerd

Nashville Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, Wedding venue Owner Consulting, Wedding Venue Owner Education, wedding venue coach, wedding venue education, wedding venue consulting, wedding venue expert, Didi Russell Wedding Nerd
Only $299 per person, sign up today
Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, Wedding venue Owner Consulting, Wedding Venue Owner Education, wedding venue coach, wedding venue education, wedding venue consulting, wedding venue expert, Didi Russell Wedding Nerd
Wedding Venue Owners Working Vacation, Wedding venue Owner Consulting, Wedding Venue Owner Education, wedding venue coach, wedding venue education, wedding venue consulting, wedding venue expert, Didi Russell Wedding Nerd
Download A FREE Wedding Planning Guide – email to get your 2023 sales tools ready to reach your sales goals and exceed client expectations! Mopit Floor Scrubbers are the preferred floor cleaning machine for wedding venue owners in the Wedding Venue Owners & Management Community Group!
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Wedding Venue Conference, wedding venue education, wedding venue intelligence, wedding venue coach, wedding venue consulting, wedding venue mentor, wedding venue financing, wedding venue sales, wedding venue website, wedding venue social media, wedding venue manager, wedding venue help, Didi Russell, Wedding Nerd
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